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Joseph's Final Years At this point documentation on Joseph Wicksall begins to get a little scarce. The 1890 Federal Census records were destroyed in a fire but ...
Nicholas and his children In October 1835 Nicholas and Deborah Wicksell joined the Second Congregational Church in New London Connecticut. The Second Congregatio...
Nicholas before 1835? There is a Nicholas In “Middle Or New Parish,Greenock,Renfrew,Scotland” with the last name of Wecksell, Wickesell, Wikesell that marries Gra...
Settling in Michigan While Mary and her family were still in Kansas, the Wicksall family headed back to Michigan although there is no record of Nicholas or Debora...
Wicksall Family History Please email robert(at) with questions, comments or corrections! Family History * The Spelling Of Names * Early Family ...
William Hamlin Wicksall On April 30th 1861 Joseph and Selina’s first son William Hamlin Wicksall was born in Salina, Kansas. The source for his full birth date i...
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